Teamspeak is know for lagging a bit behind with development.
The last few days I have been upgrading my servers to current distributions, today the Voice servers were on the list to get Debian 6 / Ubuntu 11.04. And again I ran into problems with Teamspeak, turns out they won’t work with libmysqlclient 16 libraries and require the good old 15 version (which isn’t available out-of-the-box in the latest Debian and Ubuntu release).
So anybody running into the same problem (do a ldd to check), can hop on over to and download the package for your architecture and install it with dpkg -i
Yeah, a year later and current releases of Teamspeak 3 still don’t support MySQL 5.1 or higher … 5.1 has only been out for 3,5 years, why hurry …
And while I’m ranting it also requires the 32bit libc6 libraries.